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approved by the Nevada Real Estate Division on Behalf of the Commission (NRED)
We all get 2 years to renew our licenses. That's 730 days! We mean this as respectfully as possible, and don't wish to sound like we're rubbing anyone's nose in it, but please don't wait until the end of the two years.
1. The Division may not have your late-month courses entered.
Every time you take a course, the school provides the Division with a "Roster Upload." The school has 3 days to upload the roster to the Division, and then the Division must enter the data. You might experience a course or two not registered with the Division when you renew.
2. The school might have to cancel the course.
Most schools won't run a course with two or three registrants. If the school cancels your course because of lack of attendance, you may not have an opportunity to make it up.
3. "Stuff" happens!
You might get sick. Your instructor might get sick! Your internet connection may fail. That special buyer is in town. You might fail a test. We've seen lots of reasons why licensees can't get their courses completed. We have had countless licensees who couldn't pass a test and this caused much anxiety. This is not fair to the school and it is equally not fair to you.
4. It consumes the whole month.
If you have ever waited 'til the last month, you can testify that getting all your education done in one month consumes your entire month. 36 hours is a big nut to crack so you might not get anything else done that month. Forget about selling a house!
5. You risk an inactive license.
If you don't get it all done on time, your license will expire. With an inactivate license, you can't even "talk" real estate with prospects and clients. You may be out of a living for a while you get caught up on courses you had plenty of time to get finished. You will also pay a late fee.
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