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"Congratulations! You're the Broker. Now What?"

3 Hours Broker Management or General Credit

This course references all of the laws and regulations of NRS 645 and NAC 645 that are the most relevant provisions associated with being the Broker or Branch Manager of a Nevada real estate office.  We will also introduce some concepts to assist brokers and broker-salespersons in running their firms.

To complete the cours

1.  Register and pay for the course, if you haven't already done so.  If you already registered, please skip this step.

2.  Download the Course Outline from the link below.

3.  Complete the Online Video Worksheet (found in the Course Outline) as you watch all three videos and upload your answers using the link below.

4.  Complete and submit the Quiz (found in the Course Outline) using the link below. 80% or better is required. We will email you if you fail the quiz, and you can retake it as many times as you need to. We will tell you your score, but cannot tell you which questions you missed.

5.  Complete the Evaluation from the link below.

6.  If you do not submit all three documents, (1) Online Video Worksheet, (2) Quiz, and (3) Evaluation, we will not process your course nor email you. It is your responsibility to submit all three.

7.  For faster turn-around time, email that you completed the course and submitted all three documents. Turn-around time is typically 1 business day from passing and submitting all three documents.

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